Tuesday 28 August 2018

Rugby for Rosie - Podcast

For the past few weeks me and my buddy having been working on how to do podcasting. We each had to pick a book, and explain to us what the book was about. We then had to pick a partner to work with, so they could interview us for this podcast. I've been reading about a book called "Rugby for Rosie" , this book was written by a New Zealand author named Frances Adlam and illustrated by jenny cooper. This book was about a girl named rosie that wanted to play rugby for school but the only available team was the boys team , and in order for her to qualify she needed to bring along three other girls. But none of the other girls wanted to play, then the coach said she could trial an during the trial she scored a lot more try's then the boys did.  Then after all of this she was happy to say to everyone that she made the team

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